
Start your Trial:
ViB Syndication

Exclusive trial price: $2,000

Syndicate one piece of content of your choice to our community of millions of technology professionals and get 100 downloads.

  • Includes one asset
  • Guaranteed 100 downloads
  • Limited to broad technology targeting
  • New customers only
  • Standard price starts at $30 per lead


Why ViB Syndication?

High-quality leads

When you syndicate with ViB, you won’t get a spreadsheet of miscellaneous downloads that never convert. We’re dedicated to growing your pipeline by boosting your content exposure

2-3x more views 

More eyeballs = more downloads. Your content will be syndicated to our community of millions of technology professionals who are verified as in-market for new solutions.

Thought leadership

Your buyer’s journey is constantly evolving, and everyone’s competing for their attention. Content syndication is a fast and effective way to establish thought leadership and stand out from the crowd.

Frequently Asked Questions

Trials are an amazing opportunity to test out ViB services. 

Due to the limited term nature of a trial, audience targeting is limited to broad technology contacts in our community.

Trials are also limited to new customers of the service that is requested to be trialed.

A Syndication trial includes:

  • 1 piece of content
  • And up to 100 downloads delivered

ViB Syndication promotes your work to targeted decision makers in the ViB community — a network of millions of high-tech professionals. They’re with us because they’re actively learning about tech solutions, and so they’re eager to read content like yours. 

Your trial will consist of one piece of content of your choosing being syndicated to broad technology contacts within the community and delivery of up to 100 downloads of your asset. 

Instead of relying on conventional lead sourcing methods, ViB uses a proprietary community-based approach. We actively source, segment, and nurture a community of high-tech professionals who are interested in discovering emerging technologies through us.

Here’s how it works:

  • Tech professionals voluntarily sign up to join our community
  • These members provide their full profile information and interests
  • They freely opt-in to a range of programs to meet with vendors or to receive emails and content on specific topics that interest them
  • We match them to clients through demand generation services
This way, we’re able to find the best leads who are accurately segmented and most importantly self-qualified.


Chris Graham

"ViB will get you quick results with immediate opportunities. They drive a high volume of activity for a competitive cost."

Read the case study


Automation Anywhere

David Morrison

"We were blown away by the quality of the leads, the quality of our meetings, and the high rate of conversions."

Read the case study


Abnormal Security

Jon Moody

“Almost every lead ViB sent us became a business opportunity, as we hoped it would. Further, ViB replaced any lead that didn’t fit our criteria or was determined to be an unqualified lead upon further review.”

Read the case study

About ViB

We help marketers find, engage, and convert prospects into customers. ViB's proven marketing services connect you to our millions-strong community of technology decision makers.

Watch this quick video to see how ViB delivers results through our innovative community approach.